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To protect you on your bike, your rollerblades, your scooter, we create powerful & Design products, with high quality materials, that really meet your needs.

The ultimate helmet is finally here.

LIFE: luminous helmet

New color for 2025!

Our PLIXI the foldable helmet:

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If you are not satisfied, you can return your product free of charge before 15 January.

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Our products come with a 2-year warranty to cover any quality problems. If you need more information, call us on +33 (0)1 84 16 10 29 or e-mail us at

Le casque LIFE remporte le European Product Design Award 2024 ! - Overade

The LIFE helmet wins the European Product Design Award 2024!

We are honored and delighted to announce that our Overade LIFE helmet has won the coveted European Product Design Award 2024! This international recognition is an exceptional validation of our ongo...

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Nouvelles règles de la route à vélo, sur les éclairages : pourquoi l'OxiBrake d'Overade est le seul feu stop autorisé ?

Le monde du vélo et des EDPM (Engins de Déplacement Personnel Motorisés) est en pleine transformation avec l'entrée en vigueur de nouvelles règles concernant les dispositifs d'éclairage et de sécur...

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Un éco-système qui change la donne : OXI® Wireless - Overade

A game-changing eco-system: OXI® Wireless

With OXI-Wireless, our vision is clear: intelligently simplify for optimal reliability on the road. No complexity, no risk. At night, cyclists are often victims of serious accidents due to misinter...

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Compliance with safety standards for bicycle helmets

A bicycle helmet will always remain a product whose primary objective is to protect the head of the person wearing it. Approval of bicycle helmets is a necessary step to put a helmet on the market. Choose a helmet that meets the safety standards in force in your country or region.

In general, approved bicycle helmets must comply with European safety standards(THIS), American(CPSC)or Australian (AS/NZS). Bicycle helmets can also vary depending on the type of cycling practice, such as road cycling, mountain biking or urban cycling.

The case of electric bike helmets

Our helmets are compatible with electric bikes whose speed is limited to 25km/h. Please note that beyond this speed (the case of so-called Speed-Bike bicycles whose speed goes up to 45km/h) you must wear a moped helmet and gloves.

Good protection means choosing the size of bike helmet that suits you

When purchasing a bicycle helmet, it is important to pay attention to certain points to guarantee adequate protection in the event of an accident. First of all, make sure the helmet is the right size for your head. Bicycle helmets come in different sizes and can be adjusted using straps and pads or foam.

It is recommended to replace your bicycle helmet every 3 to 5 years but also imperatively after an accident or any violent shock because even if nothing is visible to the naked eye the helmet may have suffered internal damage.

Indeed, during an accident, the helmet is designed to absorb the shock and protect the cyclist's head. This absorption of impact can cause cracking and deformation inside the helmet, even if the outer shell appears intact.

If the helmet has been damaged in an accident, its protective properties may be impaired. It may also no longer provide a proper fit on the rider's head, which may compromise its ability to protect the head in the event of a future accident

Accessories halfway between safety and style for your city bike helmet

Each of our helmets offers customization possibilities, which often benefit your safety.

The cap or visor (link) compatible with our PLIXI FIT folding bike helmet is available in several colors which allows you to combine it with your daily wardrobe.

But beyond the aesthetic side, our cap allows you to be much less disturbed by the rain, particularly if you wear glasses. This remains just as true when the sun comes into your field of vision and dazzles you. In both cases this can be dangerous and even more so in cities where traffic is denser.

THE retro-reflective stickers bring a touch of personality to your bike helmet while increasing your visibility as soon as you find yourself in the beam of a light source.

Highlight your safety on your urban bike helmet

We recommend that you install alighting on your urban bike helmet in order to maximize your visibility. Whether you are traveling in the city or in a peri-urban area, it is important to be well seen by all road users.

For more information on bicycle lighting, we invite you to discover our range of bicycle lighting, indicators and braking alarms.

Anatomy of a bicycle helmet

A typical city bike helmet is made up of several parts that work in concert to protect the cyclist's head and face in the event of a fall or impact.

Outer shell: It is the rigid outer part of the helmet that is designed to absorb and distribute impact forces during a fall.

Padding layer: It is the foam layer inside the helmet which provides additional comfort and protection. It can be made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or polyurethane foam (PU).

Attachment system: This is the mechanism of adjustable strap which allows the helmet to be fixed on the cyclist's head. It ensures a secure and comfortable fit.

Ventilation system : This is the series of holes or vents on the front and back of the helmet that allow air to circulate. This ventilation helps keep the rider's head cool while riding. In the case of city bike helmets, the ventilation system is less crucial if we compare it to a sports bike helmet where the time of use on each ride is much longer and the efforts, a priori, more intense. (Except for those who must climb the Croix-Rousse on a daily basis in Lyon or the Montmartre Hill for Parisians!

Ride in style with your bike helmet

Our city ​​bike helmets are available in several color sand can been riched with accessories(visors and covers to protect yourself from the sun and rain, classic or original reflective stickers to stick on your bike helmet, etc.) in order to personalize your helmet while asserting your personality without ever compromising your safety, quite the contrary!

You are free to opt for a discreet aesthetic in search of elegance to coordinate your helmet with the color of your city bike or to seek maximum visibility with vibrant colors to maximize your safety during your urban trips.

What women want from a bike helmet

THE Women cyclists may have specific selection criteria when it comes to choosing a bicycle helmet. First of all, the comfort is often a priority, with helmets that offer soft padding and a precise fit to avoid pressure points.

There ventilation allowed by the vents provides more efficient air circulation. This is especially important when the weather is hot.

Women may also be attracted to helmets with color sand feminine motives, although the safety is always the top priority.

Our helmet interior foams allow precise adjustment of the helmet to the body shape of every woman and actively contribute to the comfort of our urban bike helmets.

Our folding bicycle helmet models are also appreciated by the female population who can easily “disappear” these helmets at the bottom of a bag during a shopping trip!

Overade specialist in the design of urban bike helmets

Overade specializes in design of urban bike helmets. We master the specificities of these helmets intended for use in the city.

We pay particular attention to comfort, to the security and to the visibility of our products in particular through our market-leading Oxi lighting and warning systems.

In addition to our removable bicycle helmet lights, we offer a large selection of reflective strips and stickers which passively improve your visibility in urban road traffic when it is dark or the light is insufficient so that you are easily seen in heavy traffic conditions.

Our urban bike helmets are designed to offer a balance of style, comfort and safety to meet the specific needs of city cyclists.

Cycling safety

There Cycling safety in the city is an important concern for cyclists, regardless of their level of experience.

First, make sure that your bike is perfectly functional And respects the obligations of the highway code. Check your brakes, your derailleur, the functioning of your security lights, the presence of reflectors, as well as the state of your tires. Wearing reflective clothing is also a good thing.

Once on your bike, it is important to respect the traffic rules, in particular the M12 signs present in large towns or cities; They don't give any priority to cars!

It's best to be predictable by the motorized vehicles you share the roadway with. Signal your lane and direction changes.

Be careful. The road can hold surprises such as potholes, sewer grates or even poorly signposted works.

Trauma during shocks or falls while cycling

Despite all the precautions that can be taken, the balancing exercise of cycling can lead to
falls with the potential for trauma.

Trauma linked to falls from a bicycle or collisions with other road users are unfortunately common and can vary in severity. The most common injuries include abrasions and bruises, scrapes and bruises, fractures of the wrists, ribs or lower extremities.

In the most serious cases, head trauma can occur. In France, the potential seriousness of head impacts has pushed the legislator to make the wearing of helmets compulsory for children under 12 years old since March 22, 2017. This obligation applies to children who ride their own bicycle or who are transported as passengers on a bicycle.

As regularly published scientific studies (*2) show, a bicycle helmet effectively protects the wearer. Even if to date there is currently no obligation for adults in France to wear a bicycle helmet, it remains recommended in order to reduce the risk of serious injury in the event of an accident